Unabsorbed yolk


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2015
I have read the thread on here about hatching chicks EMERGENCIES. I have had this happen to me before but I had a baby chick (malposition) hatch early. It is very energetic and awake but the only problem is , ITS YOLK SAC DID NOT FILLY ABSORB. I have the baby in a mug, tied it's legs together(it kept kicking and didn't want it to disturb the sac) I've read post about it absorbing but I've also read post to where you can just cut it off? Let it dry and fall off?
I want to know some people opinions before I risk it... Please help.
No, the yolk is turning black. But it doesn't seem to be affected by it. It's running around sleeping, grooming itself. I'm even giving it sugar water. I'm starting gate to wonder if the yolk is actually the 'yolk' what do you think?
Is it eating yet? Or pooped?
Keep that very clean and bacitracin with no painkillers. It might absorb some more. Should dry up and scab over. Without a fully absorbed yolk, baby will need food very soon. You can make a soup of electrolyte water and baby crumbles.
That looks like an unhealed navel, not an unabsorbed yolk sac. In one of my hatches this spring a chick had an unhealed navel and it was protruding quite a bit. It shrank, scabbed over and healed just fine. I didn't let him go outside until it was healed. Keep the environment clean and dry.
Okay, I just checked on the baby and it's starting to turn black. The baby is running around and is happy. Should I keep putting The triple antibiotic on it( no pain killers) or should I let it dry up?
If there's any pink areas, like where the yolk attaches to the belly, I would put some the. That's me. Either way, as long as you keep the area clean, you should be okay.
Is the baby eating and pooping?
On my chick I didn't use an ointment at all, just kept in a clean, dry environment. Since it's scabbed over, and as long as there's not redness around it the scab, he should be fine without the ointment. It will probably dry up better without ointment also, which is what you want.

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