Temperature in my bator got to 126. :-(


Apr 12, 2015
Knoxville, TN
Hey all, I just set my eggs 3 days ago. My bator has been running perfectly at a stable 99.5-100 degrees. Humidity was low, so I put the plugs in, hoping to increase the humidity a little. Shortly after I did that, I ran to the grocery store. When I got back, the temp was 126!!! I did not realize the plugs would cause a 20 plus degree difference!! Or would it? It's a Farm Innovator 4200 Circulated Air. This is my first time incubating. I'm so bummed out right now. Close to tears. Does anyone know whether or not these chicks will have a chance? This is the 3rd day of incubation. I don't know about candling, especially since they are Black Copper Maran eggs. Any help, suggestions, or advice is GREATLY appreciated.
I thought I would need to add that I was only gone for an hour at the most. It was 100 when I left and somehow within an hour reached 126. I figure either my son's friend touched the knob or my cat got on top of the incubator and stepped on it) It won't happen again since I'm moving it to my bedroom and keeping the door locked. I don't know if I should give up on this batch and get more eggs or hope for the best. I only have 7 eggs in there, so I really don't feel very hopeful at this point.
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If you were only gone for an hour, let's say the temperature didn't start rising immediately (
) and it was a gradual increase, considering the core temperature of the eggs take awhile to rise… I'm very hopefully thinking your chicks may be o.k. in there. I've had crazy over-heating happen in my first ever incubator hatch a few years ago and managed to get a few perfect and alive chicks out of there. They are tough little things!
Thank you! I appreciate that. I haven't given up on them. Good possibility the incubator was that hot only for a very short time, but 126 is very hot. I'm not very hopeful, but I haven't the heart to give up on them just yet.
And you only set them 3 days ago, so it's a long wait… I'll keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed over here that they will be o.k. there. They should be, like I said, the odds are in their favour
You should have an idea when you candle them, to see how they're doing. Please keep me posted?
Thank you for your responses. I will attempt to candle them in a few days. They are pretty dark eggs, so I don't know if I'll be able to see much, but it's worth a try. My fingers and toes are crossed!
I'll post here whether or not any hatch so maybe it will help someone else that this unfortunate thing happens to in the future.

I've pretty much decided it had to have been my son's friend that touched the knob. And I'm so glad I was only gone for an hour!! Could have been so much worse!
candle at day 7 and see....

I have eggs due next week and it went up to 104 a few times, I am not too worried though, I help cool them down. I have a mom on some eggs, and I am hatching out more for her so she will have a bunch, they will have a secured heat lamp and a nice extra large brooder box to go in for a few weeks anyway (10or so)
have you verified that you were getting an accurate temp reading? multiple calibrated thermometers?

i question this because that model incubator is only 40 watts (and that includes the fan) so it pretty much doesn't have the ability to raise the temp 26° in an hour unless there was some major malfunction.
Same thing happened with my incubator, but as it was first my experience i candled the eggs inside the incubator and i could see viens developing inside the eggs. It was after a week when i realized those veins were not fertile. but in your case you'll have to wait to see whether they're developing or not.

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