Same Birds + New Coop =Third World War

He looks so tiny next to the big chickens! (don't tell him I called him tiny though!). Those are nice looking chickens too, most of mine are mutts.
Crazypigchick, I just welcomed you in the new members thread and had to see what was up. Chickens are stressed by any change in routine, birds in, birds out., different coop, change in nesting boxes and most definitely moving. Being in a new coop is moving to a chicken. Even if it sits on the same spot, and was painted the same color etc. They don't like changes. Once they feel secure, they will go back to their old behaviors. I wouldn't allow the rooster to attack them like that. I would even have him in a crate where he can see them or partition coop and run, so he can go nutsy without harming any of the flock. When he comes to his senses (if roosters have any) then he can come back.

You may want to spend some extra time with the flock, sitting in coop or run reading or playing soft music,and tossing some random treats to remind them life is still good(and yummy).

Bantams seem to have "Chihuahua syndrome," where they think they are BIG and act like it. Bravo for the little guy. I am very short( my mother was also) so I know what it's like with 'biggies' all around.

Things will quiet down and then you can tell us how much you really love your pigs and chickens. When I feel like
I just calm down with a pint or carton of ice cream and I feel all better. You can probably guess by my avatar, I hit the ice cream a lot.

Stay calm, BYC has your back
Too cool... thanks a million. :D Everyone seemed to go back to being good kids yesterday afternoon. No more feather pulling, egg count was exact, and I went in without incident.

24 birds, I picked up and moved, one at a time. No issues. (Beginner's luck, I guess, that I have a really neat flock.) Only one surprise SLW roo that's kinda funky and on death row, and only one hen that wants to eat my soul, but it's just me she hates. To watch the whole pile go bonkers was scary!

As a funny, my mom's 4'11" and I'm 5'8"... she's still scary in her golden years and would beat me to a pulp if I needed it! lol

Ice cream, it is.
You're funny, great with words.
Glad things calmed down.
Curious, did all the birds live together in the same 'old' coop?

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