Red apple groundcover


Nov 14, 2015
I'm building my chicken run, and considering whether I want to include area which has red apple groundcover, which is kind of a succulent species with small red flowers.

Any issues?, does not appear toxic in most articles.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Red Apple groundcover, whose scientific name is Aptenia cordifolia (more commonly known as Ice Plant) is non-toxic to animals and will not hurt your chickens. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.

What breed of chickens do you have?
Welcome to the group!

The chickens will likely destroy the groundcover. If you are ok with that, then go ahead. I've found they pretty much destroy anything not woody that they can reach.

I started with some RIR, black austalorps, barred rock, and gold sex links.

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