
In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2015
I have a 71/2 month old red ranger hen. I have raised her from a chick and she has always been very active. She has been laying for about 11/2 to 2 months now with no problems. On friday my fiance noticed that she would not get up to come out with the rest of the flock when he left them out and she couldnt really walk right even when she tried to move. That night i was informed about possible egg binding and went home and soaked her and dried her. The next morning i checked on her and there were no changes. This morning around 8 i brought her back in and tried the soak again along with some olive oil in her food. Up until 4 this afternoon she had not pooped either. So i put some electrolytes and probiotics in her water and finally at 730 she pooped quite a bit. However her belly is still pretty swollen. I used gloves and ky jelly and felt for an egg but felt nothing. I have her inside for now to rest and keep warm. She is still eating and drinking normally, i just have to keep it close by so she can reach it, due to the fact that she doesnt really wanna move just yet, but she is still very alert. However she is sitting a bit more normal and not quite so hunched back on her behind. Is it possible that she was just constipated and now that her bowls are moving her belly will return to normal. Also i read somewhere that if they cant lay, they cant poop and vice versa. Is this true?
No she was not moving. I had her to the vets today and she was diagnosed with Marek's and unfortunately had to be put down as she was suffering and there is no cure.
Thank you. I think the most frustrating part is that I have no idea where it could have come from and no way of ever finding out.
I'm sorry for your predicament and i'm sorry for you inevitable loss. At least she has lived a life that billions of other chicken haven't, which is the ability to walk around and the overall ability to feel peaceful.

Its a hard way to start but at least I can say
Dose she have a swollen, balloon like, abdomen?
Google " ascites in chickens" and see if it is the situation!
This phenomenon is common in broiler type breed, and it is quit irreversible....
Yea, I did some research on this topic and found a video on YouTube about a lady who had a broiler, and used some sort of natural remedy on her chicken, it cured the sickness and made the chicken gain control of it's body again.

Here's the link.


Maybe you could find out what she used as it might be useful in the future.

Sorry again for you loss and this may be hard to come to terms with. :)
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