What breed are these hens

Gorman Farm

Nov 16, 2015
I am new to chickens and I have 9 of them, 7 are Easter Eggers, but I also have these two, any ideas what they are?

she produces light brown eggs and is very bossy with the other chickens.

She also lays light brown eggs, and recently molted, she was a much brighter red like her neck prior to molting.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks for the reply. I was just curious any ideas on the red girl?
They are both fairly good egg producers, but the red has been molting for three weeks now and stopped laying, prior she was giving me an egg everyday
and even went broody on me just before the molt.

I agree on the Austra White or some other white Leghorn based hybrid for the white bird.

The red is most likely a mixed breed. If she's from a hatchery, my guess would be a New Hampshire, but pretty poor quality coloring.
The top bird is either an Austra White (BA roo X WL hen) or a California White (CG roo X WL hen) and the bottom bird is a mixed breed.

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