Help, hen not laying eggs...


Aug 21, 2015
Hi my family and I are new to chickens and all that goes with it! We have 5 hens and 1 rooster. 4 of our hens lay consistently 3/4 brown eggs a day. Our 5th hen isn't laying at all anymore. It's been since mid August since we've gotten an egg from her. Even when she was laying they were small (blue/grey) and she only laid a couple a week. Any ideas on what's wrong or what we need to do?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Different breeds lay different rates of eggs. As you have said her eggs are a different colour to your others it may be a breed thing as to why she is not laying regular.
A few other things to consider are ~
Her age?
Her breed?
Is she moulting?
You could also pop over to the egg laying section with your question. Here is the link ~
I'm sure members there would be able to offer you more advice too.

Good luck and enjoy BYC :frow

Your post made me think of my Easter Egger. As soon as she starts to molt, we know we aren't going to see any of her blueish-green eggs for about 3 months. The other girls (other breeds) go through their molts quicker and get right back to business.

Yorkshire has pointed out some good points to think about. Another thing, the days are shorter now and hours of daylight will have some impact on egg laying.

I take it your girl is healthy (eating, drinking and poops ok)? Is there anything that could be stressing her she being picked on, do you have enough room in the coop for the number of birds?

As long as she is healthy and happy, you might just have to wait for her to get around to it again.

Good thoughts here!

Is she molting?

How old is she? They slow down around 2 and a half yrs. Most breeds, some breeds go longer if they are heritage...not hatchery.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Sounds like she wasn't laying well from the start - some hens are good layers and some are not.

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