Swelling is decreasing somewhat, as long as the chick stays in the chair. Will baby aspirin help decrease swelling further?
Eating and drinking very well. Have been giving Poly Vi Sol a few times a day and in the water.
When I did catch the chick out of the chair, it seemed as if it could use that leg a little more, and it's not as much to the side as it was before.
Trying to put the tendon back in place a few times a day, but the swelling makes it difficult to see/feel it.
Not to hopeful but doing everything I can, I hate to see a being suffer.

I don't think I would give baby asprin to a baby chick. Baby asprin are used for full grown chickens, so it will be too much for a chick. The chick really doesn't need a pain med. Just continue with the vitamins and what you are doing. Some daily physical therapy would likely be more helpful. Help him stand and walk on it's own, put back in chair. When you feel he is getting stronger, you can try the bandaid method for splayed legs on him. That way his strong leg will help keep the weak leg in place.
First time the chick puts weight completely on the affected leg!
And walking, clumsily. Doesn't have a bad gait, just hasn't ever walked on both feet normally.
Back inside brooder now with other chicks for about a half hour after 15 mins "physical therapy" for the third time today.
Swelling gone down, but still swollen.
Had to tape toes, as they were bending awkwardly. Will check back in the morning and remove tape and retape if necessary.
Not getting bullied, but is noticeably smaller.
I have kept these chicks on my Gamebird feed.(30%)
Little Chick chick is doing great!
Walking normally and eating/drinking and yes,

Does not even have any bully problems!
Just won't keep it's peeper closed, probably still hurts.

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