Rain and snow issue...please help


5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Hutchinson, Kansas

Here is our coop for our established flock of 4 they love it however its fall/winter now and my biggest issue is the rain and ice...yes its been raining ice now for 2 days is blowing into the small opening and flooding their floor which is now a solid sheet of ice...:( i need any and all help on what to do to prvent this from happening or minimize it at least...help asap please! Thank you
hi. i hope this will help you.. you could put some hay inside of the shelter/nest box and when it rains/snows you could put i tarp or two over the hole coop to keep them warm... what kind of chickens do you have maybe i can give you more info. (once it gets really snowy you might have to put bords of the sides so theres no snow. cuz snow can make most chickens really cold)
hi. i hope this will help you.. you could put some hay inside of the shelter/nest box and when it rains/snows you could put i tarp or two over the hole coop to keep them warm... what kind of chickens do you have maybe i can give you more info.   (once it gets really snowy you might have to put bords of the sides so theres no snow. cuz snow can make most chickens really cold)

In this coop I have a white leghorn roo, 2 leghorn hens, and 1 rir hen...I think we will put up tarps on the 2 fences sides...which is the best way to securely do that with the wind and all?
I use plastic wrap (semi see through, not the light blocking tarp) Attached to the run walls with staples and then screwed in wood strips, on the outside, up to about 8" from the top, so there's still ventilation. It will block the wind, rain, and snow just fine. Mary
Wind patterns depend on location, it's the prevailing wind you want to block and for most in the US that would be the West side...
the coop faces the east so the west side of the coop is a solid wall...here we get alot of weather out of the north and that is the side thanks to recommendations on here that I have decided to tarp off. I am not to concerned with letting the sun in as much as I am with blocking the wind.... the chickens have free run of the yard the entire day amd this is where they get put up for the night.
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