

9 Years
Feb 27, 2015
I've searched here and google, and seem to be getting conflicting info. I have 10 ducks and we use deep litter. Today, as I was collecting eggs, I saw a few tiny bugs crawling on them that I fear are red mites. I hope I caught it early. I don't want to use sevin or other chemicals, but also want to deal with it properly. Any experience with neem or de? Can I use one or both on their shavings as well as them? Other ideas??
I've searched here and google, and seem to be getting conflicting info. I have 10 ducks and we use deep litter. Today, as I was collecting eggs, I saw a few tiny bugs crawling on them that I fear are red mites. I hope I caught it early. I don't want to use sevin or other chemicals, but also want to deal with it properly. Any experience with neem or de? Can I use one or both on their shavings as well as them? Other ideas??
I use neem in my chicken coops and duck houses. although the only place I have ever had mites was on the chickens and in their coop. I haven't used it on the flock though. usually if they have plenty of swimming water water fowl can stay parasite free. To treat my chickens I used a product called Epernix pour on it's actually for cattle but it can be used on our birds to like front line for dogs.Or you can put poultry dust in a large bag place the duck in side feet fist. close bag around neck hold under also and shake till dust is covering them. I have tried this method on my chickens but not my ducks. You'll have to treat all cracks and crevices in your coop top to bottom and one way of knowing if you have mites is to go in after dark stick your hand down into the shavings if you have mites they will be on you. They wont bite you though. If they are in your shavings, I rec you clean out all bedding put it into trash bags and carry off then treat their house and them put down just a small amount of shaving s because your going to want to treat again in 10days. I have used neem now for about 3 yrs and haven't had any mites in my coop since I started using it. I do my houses 3X a season now late spring mid summer and fall.
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Thanks @Miss Lydia. I'm kind of freaking out. They have lots of coop space, and a pool they are frequently in, but they are out free ranging all day. Can you see the mites? I went out to the coop and looked in bedding in one of the drawers one uses as a nest box and saw some crawly small bugs, but not microscopic. I can't find a good pic to compare. What do i treat the coop with? Is it a nightmare, or doable?? My husband is going to kill me. And I guess I need to keep the kids away until it's cleared up?
Thanks @Miss Lydia . I'm kind of freaking out. They have lots of coop space, and a pool they are frequently in, but they are out free ranging all day. Can you see the mites? I went out to the coop and looked in bedding in one of the drawers one uses as a nest box and saw some crawly small bugs, but not microscopic. I can't find a good pic to compare. What do i treat the coop with? Is it a nightmare, or doable?? My husband is going to kill me. And I guess I need to keep the kids away until it's cleared up?
They are smaller than a pepper flakes they ones I had were blk. can you pick your ducks up and examine? look through their feathers at their skin. First time I had them here they got into my head and I felt something crawling went in and combed my hair over the sink and saw these little blk things fall out then crawl. A good hot shower took care of it on me. Mites actually live in the cracks and crevices of your coop and come out at night and feed on our poultry. Mites like to hang out around the vents of our poultry. They can cause anemia even death so if you have them you need to take care of it asap. use neem oil in the coop 2tab to 1 gal of hot water hot water will keep the oil mixed better shake often I used a pump garden sprayer. It is not a night mare. It just needs to be done, and why is your husband going to kill you? they will not bite your kids either. I'm going to see if I can find you some info.

Here is some natural ways to treat.
Neem being one.
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Thanks a bunch! The ducks were my idea and now he is going to be roped into de-parasiting. My kids like to hold/hug them and I don't want them ending up in the house. My husband's uncle ended up with mites in their house and it was awful! They are reddish/brownish, little bumps. Not lice for sure. Maybe poppy seed size? I will check the ducks tomorrow. We use neem on the yard for ticks so at least we have some. I've read different things about spraying it directly on the ducks. Blech!! I'm wondering if deep litter is a good choice for them.
Thanks a bunch! The ducks were my idea and now he is going to be roped into de-parasiting. My kids like to hold/hug them and I don't want them ending up in the house. My husband's uncle ended up with mites in their house and it was awful! They are reddish/brownish, little bumps. Not lice for sure. Maybe poppy seed size? I will check the ducks tomorrow. We use neem on the yard for ticks so at least we have some. I've read different things about spraying it directly on the ducks. Blech!! I'm wondering if deep litter is a good choice for them.
I use deep litter and have for years and now that I use neem oil and also garlic with my birds I haven't had a mite outbreak. For at least 3 yrs. and have never had them on my water fowl, I was always under the impression if they get in water often they can stay relatively parasite free. I'd try the salt solution with the other things added in the link I gave you not sure about spraying the neem on the birds, I looked at different sites but didn't see anyone doing that. Poppy seed size does sound like mites. Keep me updated.
@Kangasox anything you wash them in is going to strip the oil out of their feathers so if you go with the saline wash be sure they get rinsed really good. it will take a while for them to get their feathers back oiled so they may have wet feather for a while. How many ducks and how old. I'm thinking some Epernix pour on would be easier and no egg with drawl either.
@Miss Lydia there are 10, they are 8 months old and laying. Except the darn lazy boys
. I am trying to formulate a plan. One of the reasons we went with ducks was their resistance to parasites, so I feel like I screwed up. It's been so wet here (you know, I think we are in the same state), and it's hard to keep their bedding totally dry, and I read mites like damp and humid. Ugh. It's pouring right now and the ducks are out in it playing and splashing, so maybe they'll all wash off, hahaha. I just have to find the time to dedicate the day to coop and duck cleaning, since there's SO much spare time with Christmas on the way!!

Is the epernix like frontline for ducks, sort of? Like a liquid? Do I still need to bathe them?

I am definitely going to start need and garlic, either way. What garlic protocol do you use?
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@Miss Lydia there are 10, they are 8 months old and laying. Except the darn lazy boys
. I am trying to formulate a plan. One of the reasons we went with ducks was their resistance to parasites, so I feel like I screwed up. It's been so wet here (you know, I think we are in the same state), and it's hard to keep their bedding totally dry, and I read mites like damp and humid. Ugh. It's pouring right now and the ducks are out in it playing and splashing, so maybe they'll all wash off, hahaha. I just have to find the time to dedicate the day to coop and duck cleaning, since there's SO much spare time with Christmas on the way!!

Is the epernix like frontline for ducks, sort of? Like a liquid? Do I still need to bathe them?

I am definitely going to start need and garlic, either way. What garlic protocol do you use?
I'm not sure if your ducks would eat their feed if you just sprinkled garlic over top I make Fermented feed for my ducks and mix granulated garlic into it here is the link you can read and see if this is something you might be interested in

Yes Epernix pour on is like front line plus actually I have also used front line plus on my poultry but I am not advocating anyone do this I mix a tube of FLP with alcohol and spray it on my chickens You take a tube for Xlarge dogs and mix with 8oz of alcohol and spry under each wing close to body[has to be on the skin and then I cover vent and spray on skin around the vent area.] You have to have egg with drawl though so I think the Epernix would be best. Oh and you can buy Frontline plus in spray too.[A large goose gets 7-8 drops on back of neck ] they can weigh up to 20lbs. so for average duck around 4 drops to back of neck on skin. No you won't have to wash them if you use the Epernix. I had to order mine but if you live close to some good feed stores you maybe able to find it.

Hopefully next week we'll be back to some dry days. Not the best time of year to have to do this but no telling what Jan will bring. It's pouring here too.
I almost for got there is a product called Poultry Protector which can be used on our birds completely safe too. Expensive but will last a long time.
Finally got time and no rain to check them out. We checked 4 ducks. I looked near their eyes, on their necks, under wibgs, and near their vents and didn't see anything creepy crawling. It was surprisingly hard to see their skin, but we did in several places. Would the mites have been obvious?

I also sprayed their bedding with neem. We are going to decide about removing all of it Monday. If we remove it, do we need to burn it? Or can we throw it outside their enclosure in the woods? Too much to bag. I think we're also going to move to just feeding them in the morning and evening and not keeping water in their coop at night. It seems to be Contributing to their bedding being too wet.

I really appreciate your help @Miss Lydia. You are always helpful informative and this time is no exception. I had actually planned to investigate fermented feed over Christmas break, until I was sidetracked by this. Thanks for the link. I may have more questions about that too

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