Six 10 week old mixed breeds


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2015
Hi all interested in some opinions on these chicks. Sorry I couldn't get better pics but if you click on the they should come up nice and big for you to see. They are a mixed bag hatched by a broody who we allowed to sit this year. All of our hens were laying under her though so I have no idea about the mums. Just really wanting to find out if I've got a heap of Roos. Cheers


The group together

Now some single shots I've managed to get of a few:



From what I see, all are pullets except for the one in the upper left corner of the first picture. He's also in the fifth picture above the white girl on teh left side. You can tell he's a cockerel, the more fully developed comb and curled tail feathers give it away.
I'm guessing the opposite.. only see one 'I'm pretty sure' pullet, the smaller one sitting down on upper left side of picture. The only other possible pullet is the one sitting down in middle of picture.

All others are showing what look like to be early cockerel feather patterning along with comb development on the others. The white one looked pulletish, but then it does look rather heavy plus color coming in very early on shoulders of white chickens is a pretty common sign of a male color pattern coming in..
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I'm seeing 1 rooster, the very top bird in the first photo that is larger than the others with a red comb. You may also have 1 more rooster in the 3rd single shot with the first run of photos.

With barnyard mixes, the patterning doesn't necessarily fit. I've had my barnyards change patterning substantially with every juvenile molt. Worrying red splotches disappear into a broader pattern, uneven patterns even out. (Unless you get a very clear red wing bar on the wing bow...but even then wait it out to make sure it doesn't melt into a broader pattern). So I don't necessarily watch pattern with my barnyards; I watch more comb development and sometimes structure.

First rooster (top photo) is telecasting with that comb, second (bottom of first set of singles) with basic body structure.

But do not sell or send to the pot until you really see male sex feathers, hear crowing, or find an egg. Barnyards can mature early and fool you. I know. I gave away a broody hatched barnyard mix pullet at 10 weeks because "he" was maturing too fast. She laid at 14 weeks and was still a solid layer, even in her old age.

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