2016 Gosling Hatch-a-long


9 Years
Oct 10, 2013
Hey everyone whats the craic! it's that time of year again for gosling's so prepare yourselves for cuteness and a heck load of information!

Hope everybody will have healthy and successful hatches with their geese and their incubators.
We have Hatchalongs every year and love seeing newcomers and beginners join us over the breeding season till the end of the year. And people not hatching eggs can tag along for the fun of it :D
There are a lot of people with experience with geese here on BYC so ask as many questions as you want which also includes questions about goose diseases,what sex geese you have and of course incubating questions etc.
Can't wait to see everybody's gosling's this year and hope you guys will learn a lot through this process.
Let the Hatch-a-long of 2016 BEGIN!
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I myself am breeding Brown and Buff African goose eggs and I hope fertility will be better this year!
My aim is atleast 8-10 Buff African goslings!
I will be incubating my Buff African eggs and I will leave my African females hatch my Brown African eggs.
Best of luck
Thanks Carrosaur! I am planning to get a smaller incubator for 9-10 goose eggs and use my brinsea 52 egg incubator for a incubator/brooder.
I'm planning on incubating every African buff egg I get since fertility wasn't good last year.
As with brown African eggs I will also incubate if fertility is poor with the buffs.
So in the end any African egg laid must be incubated!
Then next year if goslings survive this year I will incubate less as I will start my breeding program :D
What about yourself are you planning on incubating or letting your flock brood?
Thanks serv for getting it started.. I look forward to seeing everyone and hearing about when their geese start breeding and laying and of course hatching..
Thanks Carrosaur! I am planning to get a smaller incubator for 9-10 goose eggs and use my brinsea 52 egg incubator for a incubator/brooder.
I'm planning on incubating every African buff egg I get since fertility wasn't good last year.
As with brown African eggs I will also incubate if fertility is poor with the buffs.
So in the end any African egg laid must be incubated!
Then next year if goslings survive this year I will incubate less as I will start my breeding program :D
What about yourself are you planning on incubating or letting your flock brood?

My flock is on my grandmothers pond arched big farm, I think she wants to gather the eggs and eat them. Most of the geese are only a year old this spring so better to wait until next year anyways!
Haha maybe some day!! Do you think youll ever fence anymore of your property?
Oh it's such a dream but living on the side of a mountain makes it very hard to fence which means it is extremely expensive too. So Probably not, half acre is what I have fenced now and actually it's very roomy but everyone wants to bunch up close to the house which makes for tiffs especially during breeding season. I have a smaller area fenced inside of the metal fence for time out for the geese once no one can stand to be around them and they really get hateful, my son built a spare goose house up there for laying and if I need to separate the 2 pairs once mating begins. But they hate being separated from everyone. lol funny because they don't like any of the rest of the flock but don't like being separated either. So far they are behaving themselves reasonably well so they haven't had to be in time out yet this year. lol

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