Cockerel or hen


In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2016
Please help. I purchased 4 baby chicken all supposed to be pullers but I am thing maybe 3 out if 4 may be Roos. They are supposed to be silver and gold wayandottes, a red barred and a white legged with flop comb. Please help me confirm if I am correct and have 3 Roos.


Hmm, it does look like you are correct. By the way the one in the first picture is cocking his head looking at you same with the two in the middle, it looks like those ones are definite cocks, especially because of their combs too. Sorry about that.
Thanks. So you think even the white one is a rooster too? I was pretty sure about the Two with the combs both looking at me. What about the smaller on on the little roost in the second picture? Thanks again. :)
The combs look kind of yellow to me but I will grab each of them out of the red light and post pics. Thank you.
Better pictures not under red light. Picture 1 is supposed to be gold Wyandotte hen. Picture 2 red barred hen. Picture 3 supposed to be silver Wyandotte hen and picture 4 supposed to bea white hen that has a comb that will flop over . Maybe it can't be confirmed on the white one but what do y'all think on them. Hen or Roos? Thanks for your help.




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