Swollen, blistered feet

lynhill hens

Jan 26, 2016
My hen has swollen, blistered feet. Her legs are warm to the touch and her feet are red with infection. The pads are swollen and seem to have blisters developing on them.I don't see any scabs indicating bumblefoot. She lays down all the time. We soaked he feet in warm water and Epsom salt, and that broke the blisters, but now they are leaking clear liquid. She is not eating, drinks little. Not sure what treatment method or medication to try. No chicken vets in our area either.
How cold has it been where you live this week? Could she have suffered some frostbite? It can cause swelling and blisters, but usually can cause darkening of the tips of toes. One or two toes look a little darker. The swelling between the toes looks like bumblefoot can when it is on top of the feet between toes. Other causes for swelling are mycoplasma synovitis or other bacterial or viral infections in the bones, or articular gout. If you think it could be frostbite, keep her inside and warm, and apply Vetericyn wound spray to her feet. Try not to break blisters or to rub her skin.

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