Anyone in WV???

I came here looking for WV folks too (about a year ago) I live-in the Eastern Panhandle near Harper's Ferry, so quite a ways away from you, but Welcome! This might not be the best thread for us, but it's definitely the best website for all things Backyard Chickens!
I wouldn't have known my inside cat was out had my chickens not sounded alerts on the baby monitor yesterday.Went out to check on them and there's my cat running loose
Hey y'all, I'm from eastern WV!
here's a chicken picture tax
My niece lives in Big Four and teaches school at Kimball Elem. lol
My dad worked on a strip mine as a mechanic back during the huge strike in the late 70’s. The miners let him cross the lines to feed the stray dog at the garage. We went up every day to make sure he had food and water. I got to play with the dog for a few minutes and we would leave. He was a pipefitter union guy and for some reason the miners all liked my dad and didn’t hassle him for feeding that dog. I remember the site was completely silent. It was really weird. After that he went back to the pipelines. He didn’t like how the miners were treated

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