Another Newbie


Jan 30, 2016
Hi all, I'm Charlie, and I have to tell you, I'm a bit of a jokester. I love to kid around, but I'll never make fun of anybody, or try to get a laugh at someone else's expense. That being said, we have four beautiful Silkie hens who are probably the most pampered chickens in Rhode Island, if not all of New England. Among other things, I'm also an inventor and I'm happy to share my ideas and fixes for problems we have encountered in raising our girls. For example, how do you keep your chickens' water from freezing in the Winter if you don't have power to your coop, or you lose power during a storm? I made a 12 volt version of the "light in a cookie tin" that kept the water from freezing for 3 days straight, powered by a deep cycle 12 volt rv/marine battery. Things like that.
Anyway, Here I am, just wanted to say Hi !

Welcome Charlie, so glad you have joined us.

Would love to see your inventions!

I love jokesters and had a relative named Charlie, who was King of it.
Nice to meet you Charlie. Welcome to Backyard chickens. Would love to see photos of your silkie hens - your avatar is beautiful. If you would like to meet other silkie folks you can post on the "Silkie thread."
Thank you! The Avatar is Penny. She's a real sweetheart. I'll get some pics up of the other (Banjo, Nine, and Salem) in the next day or two.
Hi Charlie, and welcome to BYC! Glad to have another joker join the bunch - there's quite a few, as you can imagine.

Hi, thanks for the warm welcome. Been SUPER busy lately, and all this lovely (sarcasm) snow didn't help!
Here's a picture of Nine. Banjo (The Boss Lady, or at least SHE thinks so) is in the back.


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