Silkie bantams good with children?


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
South Carolina
I'm intrested in getting a trio of silkie bantams, and was wanting to know if they good with kids i have a 5 yr old who likes to hold the chickens, and I heard silkies are very docile is this true? Few more questions do they lay & sit good like go broody? Thanks
They are docile chickens for sure. They are EXCELLENT broody moms. They are not very high volume layers.
Generally, they are docile little birds, but keep in mind that all chickens are individuals and some can get nasty (yes, even cute little Silkies). That being said, mine are little sweeties. Mine have large crests, so don't see too well, and I can walk right up to them and pick them up (though usually as soon as I step foot in the run, they're all over me). Mine are great layers, when they aren't broody. I get somewhere around 3-6 eggs per hen/per week. They are excellent mothers, but things can get a little crazy around here when they ALL decide to brood at the same time. I've got a dozen hens, so it wouldn't be too bad since you're thinking about a trio.

I think you'll adore them, but be warned, they're addictive. I myself started with a trio. Those days are long gone :D I keep 12 hens and a couple of roosters through the winter, but once hatching season starts (which it has, I've already hatched about 35 chicks since this year began), I usually balloon up to somewhere around 80 :oops:

Good luck!
Generally, they are docile little birds, but keep in mind that all chickens are individuals and some can get nasty (yes, even cute little Silkies). That being said, mine are little sweeties. Mine have large crests, so don't see too well, and I can walk right up to them and pick them up (though usually as soon as I step foot in the run, they're all over me). Mine are great layers, when they aren't broody. I get somewhere around 3-6 eggs per hen/per week. They are excellent mothers, but things can get a little crazy around here when they ALL decide to brood at the same time. I've got a dozen hens, so it wouldn't be too bad since you're thinking about a trio.

I think you'll adore them, but be warned, they're addictive. I myself started with a trio. Those days are long gone
I keep 12 hens and a couple of roosters through the winter, but once hatching season starts (which it has, I've already hatched about 35 chicks since this year began), I usually balloon up to somewhere around 80

Good luck!
Do you sell the babies?

@OP My silkies are pretty docile too. But my rooster wouldn't necessarily be child friendly. He's never flogged me. But I'm pretty assertive with him if he threatens me at all. Depending on your children's ages, a rooster might not be a good idea.
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Do you sell the babies?

@OP My silkies are pretty docile too. But my rooster wouldn't necessarily be child friendly. He's never flogged me. But I'm pretty assertive with him if he threatens me at all. Depending on your children's ages, a rooster might not be a good idea.

Most of them :) Some are kept back to replace older flock members or birds that aren't necessarily where I'd like them to be. It seems my winter hold over number does creep up by one or two birds every year though :D
Most of them
Some are kept back to replace older flock members or birds that aren't necessarily where I'd like them to be. It seems my winter hold over number does creep up by one or two birds every year though

I thought I was the only one who did that

I agree on the advice about the rooster. I'd really not want to try to make a pet out of any rooster, although I know folks do. The hens are usually pretty docile, although use common sense and always supervise your child. Also remember, eyeballs are shiny and chickens love to peck at shiny things...even sweet, docile birds.

And it's always good to keep in mind animals can just be unpredictable. Even the family Lab usually has a breaking point with littles........
Ok thanks y'all shes 5 years old, she helps feed them but loves to hold the chickens, i have bantam games & they are finicky sometimes, so i want get some chickens she can hold even if she has to outside coop!! I think i will get some silkies for her she also wants to show them at our local fair this year! Thank y'all :)
Silkies bantams are very docile and sweet. They are also very broody, but it's not too bad. Silkies are WONDERFUL with children; I hatched two when I was three and I haven't regretted it. They're good egg-layers and love people. Your kids will have a great companion if you get one!

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