Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

I was told 30 days after her meds were done. What really feels weird is throwing poop in the trash rather than the compost heap. I will continue this for 30 days, too.
Thanks for listening and advice!
I was told 30 days after her meds were done. What really feels weird is throwing poop in the trash rather than the compost heap. I will continue this for 30 days, too.
Thanks for listening and advice!

Interesting that it's a 30day withdrawal period and also not to compost her poo during that time.
Is the throwing away of the poo because of the antibiotic or is it because of the bacterial load that she may have?
Wondering if your other girls could possibly pick up the bacteria if exposed to her poo or did the vet say to let her get back to the flock?
The vet did not say not to compost her poo. I just thought it was logical and would prefer to err on the side of safety. If the antibiotics are in her eggs they must also be in her poo.
I wouldn't doubt that the 30 day period is excessive, but again, safety first.
Our hen had enteritis a few months ago. The vet pet her on Baytril, and told us 30 day withdrawal. We didn't have to throw her eggs away because she didn't lay for 5 weeks. We watched for her first egg, and then signs of being egg bound, until we noticed her neck feathers were thinning out and we realized she had started molting. We believe the stress of being sick, and being separated from her flock mates brought on the molt. Your girl may not molt, and may start laying again, but just wanted to share our experience. Something to consider while you are waiting for that first egg.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you know what caused the enteritis?

Harriett laid an egg a day while she was in the hospital so I am very surprised she would go without for 2 days home with her pals.
Her crop was the same size this morning as it was when she went to bed and their was hardly any poop under where she perched.
Other than that she is acting normal but I upped her follow up visit to today at 12.

A side thought for anyone that may think chickens don't feel love: Harriet's best pal, Bette, started pecking at me angrily for the two days her sister was gone. Now she is back to only trying to untie my shoelaces. I see this as love.
I don't know how she acquired it. She was the only one that fell ill, and she has been fine since.

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