20 wks old- which are hens, which are roos?

A respectful rooster is one that moves out of your way. You don't want to keep one that is so insecure that he is always trying to 'prove' his manliness. And you don't want one that runs and cowers at every shadow. A good rooster is somewhere in between, watchful and vigilant of the flock, but gives humans a wide berth.
Don't cull them all at once. Start with the most obnoxious boys first. As you remove the bossy or aggressive ones, the ones that seemed pretty mellow may have a bit of a personality change. It's possible that none of them are 'keeper' material.
Early signs that a cockerel may turn aggressive are wing flapping, tail swishing, or if he dips a shoulder or wing at you. Those behaviors mean he has decided that you are a threat to his position in the flock and is sizing you up. The next step of escalating behavior would be if he starts stalking you, following your every movement and keeping himself between you and the hens. Roosters rarely just attack a flock keeper out of nowhere.
I got rid of my dominant Black Austrolorp rooster due to aggressiveness. I had 2 more that were always nice. After I got rid of the first one, the second in line changed personality, stepped up, and became even worse than the first one. He attacked my son and got demoted to the table. The 3rd rooster has stayed very nice and protecting of his hens. He has a nice respect for me and my family, but still watches over the hens and comes running if one calls. So far I am very glad he is around. I hope he doesn't ever change.

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