Brown Leghorn - sexing at 5 weeks


Mar 21, 2015
Hi all,

I've attached a pic of two of my 8 Brown Leghorn chicks. It's my first hatch with this breed but there are definite differences. Four chicks look like the top one which I assume is a cockerel and four are like the bottom chick, which I think are pullets. I'm not an expert so I might be wrong of course! Is it safe at 5 weeks to cull the roosters based on what I'm seeing now or wait a few weeks? Is it likely any of my suspect pullets with their smaller combs and lighter breast and neck feathers will turn out to be boys?

Kind regards


Yep! Top is male and bottom is female. They should be pretty easy to sex at that age. Males with black breast and red comb females with brown breast and small yellow comb.

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