sick broody hen? help! respiratory


May 26, 2015
Farmington, mn
I don't know what to do. I have a broody hen that is sick. Background: I had the rooster that was sick from Wisconsin. Sounded congested, raspy. He sounds better, but still crows funny. I used the waterer from his pen, washed it with soap and water and put it in with the broody. She seemed fine, besides that she plucked all her feathers out on her belly. I went in today and she was coughing. By night she sounded like she inhaled water and is super rattly. She's breathing occasionally through her mouth. Watery stinky poo also.

The University of mn will do a necropsy for no fee. Do I do it? If it's contagious, I want to protect the flock if possible. She was in with all of them though. Have you had a broody get sick like this? Any thoughts?

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