Mixing Breeds Within a Flock


Apr 17, 2015
I purchased 4 baby chicks yesterday to add to my small backyard flock. Had 8 laying hens until last weekend when 2 disappeared. Still shedding tears over that so be easy with me. I bought 1 of each--barred rock, cuckoo maran, buff orp, and Americauna. The Americauna keeps trying to peck the Buff Orp's eyes. What the heck? Doesn't bother the other two. I have read conflicting reports on the temperament of Americaunas, but never anticipated this the first night I have them. Any way to make her stop? What should I do? Please advise me experienced chicken keepers...Liz Newman, Whitesboro, TX
That can be common with very young chicks, they don't usually cause any damage, and they stop it after a couple of days. Make sure your brooder isn't too hot, 85-90 is a good starting temperature and I always add a few shiny glass rocks to give them something to peck at. If it continues or gets rough you can use some wire to make a jail for a few days. Sorry about losing your hens, it happens, hopefully you were able to fix whatever it was that let them get in.
Thank you so much for your reply! I have tried all of your suggestions and it already seems to have improved somewhat. You are right...she didn't appear to be doing any harm, but I had no idea if it would get worse. I'll continue to keep a watchful eye and again thank you for taking the time to give me some advice on this situation. I really need a full-time chicken advisor...lol

As far as the loss of 2 of my hens, they were out free ranging when it occurred. So far my coop has been secure, except for a snake. They just disappeared...no noise or ruckus or anything. Just a few feathers noted on the edge of the woods. I will not let them out so freely anymore. Thanks for your understanding...
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Hopefully your feisty chick will calm down. Some like pecking at eyes and occasionally I get one that's convinced that the other chicks toes are worms and will continually grab toes, both are frustrating situations.

I have lost chickens in the same manner, the usual suspects are Fox, coyotes, and hawks. Since you lost two in one day it was probably a coyote. They will keep coming back to find more. We have dealt with them before, it's not easy losing any of them.

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