1 cockerel 11 pullets organically raised -ks


In the Brooder
May 20, 2015
Selling our backyard chickens! They have been free ranged in an organic garden, chemical free lawn, and fed high quality organic feed and supplemented with fermented organic feed as well. *No* antibiotics, no parasitics, no dewormers, no health problems to date. Our vet has been bragging about their looks since we first took them. They are a docile, curious group, and great layers (5-6 dozen weekly from the 11 hens). Currently selling their eggs and making anywhere from $100-110 a month. They are good with kids, dogs, and most of them handle very well. They will be available to pick up around April 20th, text or call me to schedule a day to look at them. Asking $200 for all 12 and I should have extra feed for them with the purchase. That's about $13 a bird after the feed. I would like to keep them as a flock and not deal with piecing them out. Below is the breed list, they are all the same age and will be 1 year old at the end of May:
2 golden laced wyandottes
2 buff brahmas
2 RIRs- one a roo
2 barred Plymouth rocks
2 black australorps
1 NH red
1 Easter egger- green eggs

If you're interested in the flock, as a whole, call or text 484-8twofour-0001 to schedule a time to look at them, a deposit will be required for a serious buyer. Again, I'm not piecing them out unless I CANT sell them as a flock. *located in DERBY, KS*
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