Our first chickens arrived in the mail today~4 week old Buff Orpingtons!


8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
New Hampshire USA
My Coop
My Coop
We're newbies here and newbies at backyard chicken keeping. We got our coop and run up last weekend but are still 'tricking it out' and predator-proofing it, etc. This morning our 4, 4 week old buff orpington chicks came in the mail. They were active and so much fun in just a couple hours. I have held them and sung to them so I can train them. We are so excited! Kind of scared too, because it's a big responsibility---you love the little guys and want to keep them safe and healthy. I worry about things that can go wrong and wish I knew more. Trying to learn all we can, but sometimes it seems a little overwhelming. The chicks are happily doing what chicks do in the brooder we made from a Rubbermaid tote and set on a table. Here in NH, I won't be putting them in the coop for several weeks yet. Here are some pictures we took when the arrived this AM!

One tip, especially as your birds are a bit more mature and active than day-olds, raise the water and feeder up off the shavings to prevent issues of them kicking bedding in - you can use a paver stone, wood block, a rock, anything that has the height (aim for chest high for the lip of the feed/water) and flat surface to provide a stable riser.
Thanks so much! We are so excited. Hubby was already gone by 6:45 AM when they arrived and has 2 jobs, so he won't see them until late tonight, but I emailed him the photos I took on their arrival so he could share in the happy day!

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