Help with specific Cochin breed.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 8, 2015
I got this guy as a chick thinking he was a black Marans (not noticing his rose comb). He ended up with some Cochin feather feet and a smaller size body, although not quite bantam sized. I'm not sure if he is a pure bread or maybe half standard half bantam of some sort. Any ideas?

Are BC Brahma's pretty small? This guy is maybe 2/3 the size of my standard size roosters.
Brahmas have pea combs, this guy looks like a rose comb. He's a mixed breed bird. Mixed with what? Well, something rose combed and something feather footed.....beyond that, hard to say.
These 2 also came from the same breeder and are pretty small. Maybe not bantam small but close.


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