Can I have two roos together?


7 Years
Jun 8, 2014
East TN
Ok I was not sure where to put this so I home this is the right spot.

Ok so I have some black australaorp chicks that are growing nicely and hope to soon have buff Orpingtons doing the same soo.

To house these I'm planning to build a new coop and run. The chickens will have to stay in it 90%+ of the time due to predators including loose dogs around me.
I'm thinking a 4'x8' coop attached to a 12'x8' run. This would be for 6-8 hens and a roo..... or two.

That's my question. Can I have a BA and BO Rio together in these conditions with 6-7 hens or must I only have one?

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While it is possible they could get along fine, for the sake of your hens I would only keep one. That's a small number of females in a confined space. With 2 males they would likely be overbred in a short amount of time.
I was thinking the space or number of hens would be too small for two but thought I'd ask anyway. Tank you.

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I agree, with only 8 hens you'll want to limit your roosters to one. Or maybe none, you don't really need one and if space is tight, why feed a freeloader?

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