Long introduction


8 Years
Oct 28, 2015
lorain county, Ohio
I have 4 of some sort of Easter eggers that are laying and a total of 11 other girls ( 2 Easter eggers, 3 Silver Laced Wyandots, 6 Golden Buffs ) who are going to start laying next month ( March ). They have been in the coop together for over a month, but just able to be together the last 2 weeks. I have raised many chickens ( 90 at one time ) but I guess I don't know what to do now.
Last night was the first night I made them all roost together and when I went out to the coop at daylight the older girls had the young ones all in a corner. I guess I wasn't expecting to see that. I thought they would be use to being together after over a month being around each other.
Any ideas how I can ease the tension out in the coop?
I have a big coop. Old style with 2 of the rotating roof vents so it's not like they are confined into a small area. Their area is at least 16x 20 feet. Roosting areas everywhere and right now I have 4 nesting boxes with only one open for the 4 that are laying right now. One trough type feeder and 1 large watering container for them.
In the past if I had a jerk bird I had like a separate cage for them to cool their heels down and maybe loose some of their pecking order raking but I am not sure what to do with the 4.
A follow up. I went back out abut an hour later and they all seemed OK. Some were here and some were there.
I will keep an eye on them.
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Photos of coop (roosting area specifically and just overall)?

I'm not completely clear on this, but have they been freely sharing space in the run at this point? If so, any issues there?

You have 1 feeder total or 1 feeder inside the coop?

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