Balding on belly and weird blue mark on my Cochin hen


7 Years
Jan 30, 2016
My Cochin bantam just recently started brooding or atleast I'm assuming that's what she has been doing since she refuses to leave the coop. I decided to try and get her out of her broody state and set her outside. I noticed she was missing quite a lot of feathers on her belly and she had a red mark and a weird dark blue spot on her chest. Makes me worried! Anyone seen anything similar? Perhaps she is molting or brooding but the spot worries me. No idea what it's from. I put a little coconut oil on her belly hoping that helps?!



My Cochin bantams do the same thing when they get broody - they lose some feathers and their skin gets a little redness. Do you know for sure that the blue spot is new? It could be any number of things Perhaps a bruise, or a bite, or just a dark pigmented spot on her skin. Have you looked her over and checked for lice and mites?
I'm not sure if the spots been there or not I will have to keep an eye on it. I checked the rest of my girls and my sebright is missing some feathers on her belly but no near as bad my other Cochin is nice and fluffy. I didn't see an lice or mites. I'm pretty good about dusting and spraying they're coop.

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