What did you do in the garden today?

Had 20 minutes of bright to the eye Aurora last night and then poof, gone.
The up-potted tomatoes are now in the greenhouse with their 3 week older siblings.
Corn and peas are up.
Expecting rain on and off all week. Perfect.
We didn’t get any last night (or early morning as they were predicting). Sigh! It was pretty the previous night though.
Predatory nematodes 2/3 applied.

I started a bit late this am, so I’ll wait to apply the other 1/3 later today, as the sun is going down. They are UV susceptible, and it’s recommended to apply early or late in the day to moist soil. so I’m now lightly watering the areas where I applied the nematodes.

Might plant some seeds. Not much happening today for Mother’s Day. Husband is at work. Teen did get me a bag of preferred candy from the store, so I’m enjoying some bites of things I don’t normally buy for myself (bc I’d eat them all). Maybe I can convince the teen to go for a walk at the park…

Baby goats: still super cute! Getting harder to carry (from one pen to an outdoor or indoor pen) -their legs are longer and stronger, and their hooves are sharper. 3 boys go to auction in about 3 weeks. We banded one male to be a companion to the one female. But, I made the mistake of asking a Q on a goat page (and mentioned we banded one male already) and the hate was amazing “never trust that vet again”, “that’s terrible”, “he’ll die a slow painful death from urinary issues”, etc…. Our vet is a very experienced farm vet, has his own herd of sheep (has for decades), and is knowledgeable and helpful. He’s probably not perfect, but I think I’ll trust his guidance over random internet people.

Here’s all 5 in the pen in the shop.

This is Gus. He was the largest kid that was born. He is really handsome (nice coloring), but his body structure seems really nice too (but, hey what do I know with only a bit of experience).


Here’s little Annie- the lone and rejected girl. Chubby belly from all the good milk she gets to eat until she’s done (rather than the moms kicking her off), so she’s growing well! You see the higher board behind her? She decided to jump off it, and her front legs kind of collapsed under her when she hit the ground..so she climbed back up to try again…same thing happened, just not as quickly, so she tried again…much better and then she moved onto another challenge. She also likes to eat dirt in the garden.
Yesterday, I started the water pump ( before, I watered the garden with watering cans) and lugged the heavy hoses around me and soaked the ground where I could ( took me 3 hrs), planted a red sage , cleaned out more nettles and did the laundry , this morning, my shoulder said ; I didn’t like what you did yesterday! so I couldn’t even gather my hair in a bun , reach the cupboard or do a million litte other things 🙄 thank God it got a little bit better during the day, I look forward to showering tomorrow 🤪
Yesterday, I started the water pump ( before, I watered the garden with watering cans) and lugged the heavy hoses around me and soaked the ground where I could ( took me 3 hrs), planted a red sage , cleaned out more nettles and did the laundry , this morning, my shoulder said ; I didn’t like what you did yesterday! so I couldn’t even gather my hair in a bun , reach the cupboard or do a million litte other things 🙄 thank God it got a little bit better during the day, I look forward to showering tomorrow 🤪
Being that sore always sucks, and it always happens when you get the urge to get good progress done.
For me, especially in the garden. Lol
Hmm, you seem to be missing Genovese Basil.

@cj2024 , I'm all set with Genovese basil now. My little drip coffee maker quit working this morning so I had to make cowboy coffee in a saucepan.

I decided to go to Walmart and get another $10 drip coffee maker, and while there I got seeds too.


I also bought Black Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce seeds, which was the only type my grandpa grew years ago. And okra too, which I love... when FRIED!

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@cj2024 , I'm all set with Genovese basil now. My little drip coffee maker quit working this morning so I had to make cowboy coffee in a saucepan.

I decided to go to Walmart and get another $10 drip coffee maker, and while there I got seeds too.

View attachment 3829617

I also bough Black Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce seeds, which was the only type my grandpa grew years ago. And okra too, which I love... when FRIED!

View attachment 3829623
Black seeded simpson is a pretty nice variety.
I grew it last year.

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