Easter Eggers are Life

Chicken gurl

Mar 22, 2016
A majority of my flock are Easter Eggers and so far I have had great luck with them ( that Arizona heat is brutal) I even have my first EE ( lets simplify it) still, 5 years and going strong. They have the most personality out of all of my other hens and are stubborn as they come.

I'd love it if you guys would introduce us to your EE squad (pics are always helpful) and share any stories that you find great.

Here are my EE girls:

This is Kitty (she was my first EE)

This is Chicken (Original names are my specialty)

This is Cheetah

This is Fluffer-nut ( in both pictures)

This is Brownie

This is Leopard

I look forward to hearing from everyone!!!!
I ran out of normal names awhile ago, so now my flock is a mashup of weird names, for example I have a Peepers, Falcon, Pea, and Specs ( pretty sure Specs is either farsighted or blind in one eye). I need a chicken book of names

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