When do ducklings get grower crumbles?

If you can find a complete feed for ducks, like Purina Flock Raiser, that is what I would suggest. I know people tend to think ducks and chickens are closely related but they are not. You can feed duck food to a chicken but you can't feed chicken food to a duck. It would be like giving dog food to your cat and depriving them of taurine. Dogs can eat food with extra nutrition intended for cats but cats will not get what they need if you feed your dog's food to your cat.

Ducks need more niacin than chickens and their "wild" diets are different than chickens, with a few things in common. Unless you do extensive research it is best to stick with a feed that already has everything they need in the correct amounts.
"What do ducks eat in the wild?

Wild ducks eat small fish and their eggs, snails, worms, mollusks, small crustaceans, grass, weeds, algae, aquatic plants, aquatic roots, frogs, salamanders, insects, and seeds."

The above is an exerpt published by Field and Stream as an example of the staples of a duck's diet. Our ducks free range so they get plenty of slugs and snails (I have not seen any in our back yard for years but we see them in our front yard) but not every part of the planet is as ideal for ducks as the Pacific Northwest. They eat all our weeds and trim the grass. They eat mosquito larvae and algae from standing water. They also get a healthy supply of worms fed by their own manure. They eat less feed than the chickens and produce more nutritious eggs. They are healthy and hardy on as natural a diet as we can provide with a complete feed to provide key essentials.

As incubator hatched ducklings our birds are more dependent on feed before they get outside and the Flock Raiser gives them everything they need to grow. They get a more natural diet once they are feathered enough to forage but they still get their Flock Raiser. We have only feed Flock Raiser to our flock so I don't know what other duck feeds are available. Dave Holderread is the one who told me that Flock Raiser is the best commercial feed (he mills his own feed) so that is what we feed.
I live about 40 minutes away from the nearest TSC, so getting feed there routinely would be difficult. However, if the ducks need Purina Flock Raiser, then I suppose I can do that. Ah, the things we do for our ducks!

I think you would be surprised to find the ingredients in Flock Raiser and Poulin Turkey Grower are very similar. both are 20% protein
Hmm, I'll have to check that out. If they can eat the Turkey Grower it will be much more convenient.
I have looked up websites with feeding recommendations for ducks and now I see why there is so much confusion about feeding schedules. We are feeding all ages of ducks all the time and we do it with one complete feed and no extra supplements. We start with wet feed and transition to dry but other than that it is the same feed.
Purina flock raiser does sound good ... I guess I'll have to try and see if it really is too inconvenient to go all the way there.

My friend raised her ducks on starter grower and that's what I have been using, Purina Starter/Grower crumbles with 18% protein with niacin sprinkled on top.
Is that chick starter/grower? I would prefer 18% to 20%.

Thanks again all you guys for your input! I have a lot to think about and research right now, and I'll let you know what it ends up being.

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