Duck house pics to share


8 Years
Mar 22, 2016
Mid Michigan
Hi! Does anyone have pics of their duck house/enclosure they would like to share? We're trying to get some good ideas for building ours
Thanks everyone!
Hi! Unfortunately our ducks died almost two weeks ago unexpectedly from an unknown cause. We have some guesses, but who knows? :( Anyways we locked our ducks up in the coop at night and let them free range in the day. This depends on where you live though. On one side of the coop was a hen door and on the opposite side was a window, in the front were the big doors. On the back side of the coop was a small ventilation hole covered in hardware cloth. The window was also covered in hardware cloth. The coop was 4x4 (8 square feet) or maybe a bit bigger. There was a roosting pole in there from when we had guineas but that is optional. The whole inside of the coop was painted in this white paint (I'm not sure exactly what it was but I will do some digging and hopefully find out) this helped when we hosed the coop out every once and a while and cleaning the poop off the walls and floors. Here is a picture of the coop (it's a bit blurry because it was raining).

Hopefully this helps! :),
Hi! Does anyone have pics of their duck house/enclosure they would like to share? We're trying to get some good ideas for building ours
Thanks everyone!

Just finished mine. They share the chicken run (my chicken coop is a quarter of a long shed). I put my ducks down at the end of the run to keep the rest of the run dry. The chickens are on nipple watering systems so no problem with ducks making a mess in the rest of the run from the waterers. I built a short retaining wall to keep out the sand from the mixing with the rock I have around the ducks area and to keep them from scratching out around the rock. Their stock pond sits on pavers surrounded by river Rock which I hope will make it drain easily and I can hose it down if needed as well as keep mud and dirt out of their water. Their water bucket will sit on the porch so again any spilled water will drain into the rock which is on a bed of compacted sand. Haven't added my ducks yet but I'm sure hoping it all works. Good luck with yours!


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