Chicks and Dust Baths?

I was wondering if it's okay to give chicks dust baths? Because my Cochin Reba's feathers look ruffled. Should I buy special dust for chickens? Or find some dirt?

Chicks and full grown chickens love dust bathing! We use a mixture of wood ash and peat moss. Sand or dry dirt can be mixed in or used.

Here are two of my black sex links bathing in wood ash when they were young.

I have 3 8 week old chicks there are piles of dirt and sand in yard as well as sand with diatomaceous earth in their coop but I keep seeing them bathing in the grass. I've tried putting them in the sand and they quickly run out of it.
I did some spring cleaning and moved my dust bath from behind the run to into the run. The girls left it alone for about a week before they started using it again. Chickens just don't like change.


They enjoy dust bathing in warm sunlit locations...
Glad I found this thread! One of our chicks had burrowed itself into a crater in the brooder bedding a few minutes ago. Guess she was taking a dust bath! Is it "ok" for the others to "pick" the bedding dust off the others feathers? I doubt they were hurting the dust bather....she was just sitting there letting them do it, before she finally got up and ran around. So I guess that is normal?

My chicks are on sand from the time they hatch or arrive from the hatchery. They use the sand to dirt bathe in by the time they reach one week old, and they use it for grit right from the time they start to eat food. Never had any problems.

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