HELP with off balanced, young turkey


Jan 27, 2016
We have 2 about 3 month old turkeys living with our same aged chick flock and last night when i went down to feed/water i noticed the one turkey was standing watch over the other who was sitting very crouched, and funny. I was going to slowly approach and examine but one of our dogs startled it from the yard and he tried to get up and walk away but just kind of lost balance and rolled, he rolled down a small spot and wound up sitting back in his crouched position on his feet, eyes shut. My fiance helped me get him into a solitary cage and he just ate a few bites but didnt move and didnt take water. I was told this morning he was in the same exact position we left him last night, and i will most likely pick up some antibiotics on the way home today...but not even sure what im treating. HELP! I noticed his tail feathers looked a little off kilter but not sure if this could be a result of that.

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