Greetings from Dubai


May 7, 2016
Hi there BYC'ers, thought I'd start here with an introduction and then post questions in the relevant areas... in October last year we (we being the lovely little desert stables where I keep my horse) became accidental owners of a flock of Muscovies. 11 in total... probably bound for slaughter. They literally fell off the back of a lorry, found them looking fairly raggedy and a little shell shocked on the track that runs past the stables one evening along with a broken cardboard box.

We took them in and the rest is history... our little (not so little any longer) flock now numbers 23 and there are 9 more potentials on the way. We've already adopted out the first 7 hatchlings which hatched in December and I am furiously working on homes now for the 15 current hatchlings from back in March before the next 9 turn up in around 10 days time I think!!

We keep them completely free range and have let the mothers get on with mothering with as little intervention as possible and so far haven't lost a single one. We have a stable dog so that actually keeps cats and other predators away which is why I think we've done so well so far... we have literally just been learning as we go along (well I saw we, I actually mean me. I am the self appointed duck lady - always wanted a few when I was younger but never got chance - no one else really bothers with the essentials for them. I have been keeping them feed/watered/cleaning their pool etc).

Am wondering how they will cope through the summer here... very shortly we will see temps regularly hitting and exceeding 45 degrees celcius (between 110 and 125 Fahrenheit) here during the day. They have commandeered their own shady area next to the feed room and there's food, water and a paddling pool there for them but that's the best it will get for them. There will be no air conditioned run for them. Anyone else here have experience of keeping ducks in high temps?

I have a few more questions too but for now I'll keep this for the introductions and head over to the ducks forum to ask those.

Looking forward to learning from you all!

A few pics for you of the latest momma and her brood, as well as the last 2 of our original hatchlings that were adopted out last week...

They are beautiful and obviously thriving under your care. In the very hot, dry regions of this country - they recommend shade, shade, and more shade. Natural or man made, lots of fresh water with ice, and for chickens, they will freeze water in large plastic bottles and set them outside. I think for ducks they might prefer ice in their little pond or pool.

Welcome to Backyard chickens.
Ah yes! Great idea re. the ice. I think I might make them frozen treat blocks and freeze their chopped greens and some corn into good sized treats for them to peck at. They won't last long in this insane heat though but am sure they'll love it anyway. Thanks!

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