Is this normal?

They preen their feathers and rearrange them, that's normal, and I can't imagine it's comfortable to have feathers growing in. A good check for parasites is always a good thing to do if you are concerned. Look for little dark red dots moving, mostly on their faces and under the wings and vent.
They preen their feathers and rearrange them, that's normal, and I can't imagine it's comfortable to have feathers growing in. A good check for parasites is always a good thing to do if you are concerned. Look for little dark red dots moving, mostly on their faces and under the wings and vent.

What if they have red mites? And all you have is poultry protector.
I've used the powdered chicken dust made with pyrethrin on chicks less than a week, they were fine after, just go easy. Mites can kill chicks.

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