Is this a normal behaviour for pigeons?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
I have a young bird that was parent reared but was hand held a fair bit to check crop etc as parents took a week to work the whole feeding thing out.

He will fly to me if I put my hand out and crawls to me (he's a bit disabled in the leg dept) every morning to be fed. He eats out of my hand and when I try and put him back crawls and flaps straight back to me again.

But he also attacks and growls at my hands and arms. Like he's just been sitting happily on my knee then decided to coo/growl and start trying to biting me. And he gives it his(or her) all, neck feathers up and it leaves a mark.

So it's like he likes me and wants to be with me but also hates me and wants to attack me.

Is he just nuts or is biting etc a normal behaviour and does he think I'm another male or something?
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This sounds like my conure.
One minute she is all snuggled up under my cupped hand and falling asleep, the next she is mad as heck and willing to fight to the death. :)
Is he just nuts or is biting etc a normal behaviour and does he think I'm another male or something?
This is a classic love hate relationship.
He loves you because you care for him well. However you are not responding appropriately to his pigeon commands. So he is unable to establish your sex and you are confusing him (I am of course guess on it sex.) As he matures in time he may except you as just a friend and stop his aggressive behaviour. Then again there are some pigeons that never get beyond this point especially if its of the ♂ sex.
With pigeons the two main motivators are sex and food.
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It's a couple months since I asked this so thought I'd update. "He" (not actually sure) now has a friend who I think is a female. It cooes when it hears me talking outside and will fly out the door to me when I feed them and eat out of my hand. Occasionally though it still has the odd day when it puffs its chest up and makes a great show and noise when I talk to him, those days he is bitey. It's definatly settled compared to when it was alone though.

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