Crying Goat--Advise Please


May 16, 2016
We just got our first female nubian goat yesterday. We are planning on getting more but she was ready before the others that we purchased. She was fine as long as she could see someone outside, but immediately started crying when she could see anyone. This morning she sounds different. kinda like she is hoarse...Is that from crying all night?

We should have the other goats in a couple of days, will she be ok until they get here? I assume she is lonely and hopefully adding more goats will help the crying.

I would be happy to get any advise someone can give me...Thanks
Probably. The first Nubian I ever got was used to being played with by children all day and when she got to my place all she had for company was other goats. She was not happy and she let us and all the neighbors know it. She hollered until, as my husband put it, her blatter didn't work any more. She did adjust in a few days and made friends with the other goats.
That makes me feel a little bit better. The poor thing sounds terrible. But she is not crying as much as the day has went on today and she is eating hopefully she is starting to adjust.

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