Pipping but not hatching


In the Brooder
May 28, 2016
Hello everyone ive been reading through the posts and need advice, I have six peking eggs that have all pipped some internal some extrenal and its been two days and nothing has happened.When i moved them from incubater to hatcher i heard one or two peeps and movement but ever since they have been in the hatcher nothing.They have been at 37,2 degrees celsius and at 50-70 percent humidity.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Ducks can be notoriously slow at hatching and making progress. Can you not hear anything at all now? After 2 days I would quickly candle and see what is happening with them. Please do pop by the duck section ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/42/duck
I'm sure the experienced hatchers there will be able to offer you more advice.

There is also a good duck section in the learning centre that you should check out ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/other-backyard-poultry-ducks-quail-turkeys-geese-etc

Good luck and I hope you see some action soon. Enjoy BYC :frow
Cant hear anything at all now, ill candle them now and see,one looks black inside though.
Okay looks like all but one is alive and moving,one even chirped.Although i wonder the ones that are internal pips,should i help make exturnal?And i suppose that means i should not assist?
I am not really a duck person but I shall tag @Lacrystol who is an experienced duck hatcher. While they have external pips they can breathe. As for internals I'm not a hatching helper and let nature take its course. I'm afraid my thinking is that if they don't do an external pip themselves they were not meant to be.

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