Broody hens!!


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2016
So I finally have two Brodie's after waiting for so long, 1 easter egger and 1 game hen.. The problem is they been sitting on dummy eggs but the Easter egger has been sitting on 2 fertile eggs and a clutch of dummy eggs I took out the dummy eggs and put in about 10 eggs and I started the game hen in a fresh batch of 10 eggs to.. The Easter egger ha sheen sitting on the two eggs and dummy eggs about 4 days already so the 2 fertile eggs are 4 days along, so I was asking if the 2 eggs hatch before the other eggs which they will should I take thoose chicks out? So the hen hatches the rest of the others? Thank you

Depending on her broody experience, she should stay on the existing eggs until they also hatch. Personally, I'd remove the two eggs, so that your eggs will hatch within a day or so.

Depending on her broody experience, she should stay on the existing eggs until they also hatch. Personally, I'd remove the two eggs, so that your eggs will hatch within a day or so. I kinda thought about that a little to late after I put the eggs in I couldn't find which where the two


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