Ideas on Breeds?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 20, 2013
Panama City, Fl
I have a couple hens (I'm pretty sure, the 2 roosters have already met the processor) and I'm wondering what breed they are? The old farmer sold them to me as a Buff Orpington and an Isa Brown, but he also sold me a Dom that ended up being a mixed breed roo. :) Appreciate any help! Tell me if I need pictures from a different angle. Belle likes to put her face up in the camera, while Ariel is an enormously skittish girl, so it was hard to get both front on and profile shots.






The first one looks like a production hybrid, so you may actually have one Isa Brown! The other one looks like an Easter Egger, or an Easter Egger cross. It has a curve to it's tail, and a few masculine features. I would keep an eye on that one.
The first one is likely a sex link. The second is a mixed breed, it may have some colored egg genes. If she lays colored eggs feel free to call her an Easter egger.
They are 17 weeks old. I sure hope she ends up being a hen, guess we'll just have to see if eggs start showing up from her. She's so different, behaviorally, from the two roos we had. She never makes a noise (unlike Belle who talks to me the entire time I'm outside, lol), is super skittish, and her comb only started turning red recently. Fingers crossed!

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