Can a raccoon climb a 6 ft. tall block wall (privacy fence)

Arizonadesertchick, i was wondering what you had for roofing,because i've seen coons chew right through the roof of a home..! My brother and i did a roof repair on a coon damaged roof. They chewed through aspalt shingles,tar paper and 1/2 inch shealthing, then took up residents in the attic..
I think a raccoons abilty to break into coops is very much under estimated. I'm always doing things to beef up secruity for my girls. With digging dogs, coyotes, etc..they say getting wire fencing down pretty deep, then running it toward the outside a couple ft. works pretty of luck keeping critters out...
The roof is 3/4 inch plywood, 2 x 4's, & shingles (see pic of the underside). I left a message for game & fish this morning, but they still haven't called back. I sure hope we don't have coons in my area.

Zookeeper9000 -- They sound awful! I really hope they don't live near here.

We are working on predator proofing the openings where the roof meets the walls.
I was wondering about the eaves also. We had purposely left some space there for ventilation before I had even considered that raccoons can live here in our dry desert city.

Our two dogs are mostly outdoor dogs - we have a doggy door into the back room of our house so that they can get relief as needed during our hot summer days. They should be able to spend the majority of the nights outside in their dog igloo (we would still bring them in when it gets close to freezing). I'll have my husband move their igloo closer to the coop. Thanks for the idea.

take hardware cloth and staple it in the eve holes sill get the cross so that you have alittle more protection but still have the cross ventilation.

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