Chick show 2


May 23, 2016
hi there i thought i would host another chick show and chicken show so go check out my chickens show one to:) anyway just upload a picture of your chick and tell me the

i will pick the winners on august 22

Have fun i will pick the top five cutest chicks.
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Age:9 and a half weeks.
Breed:EE her at blue seal and she has such puffy cheeks and her nick names are:cinderpuff.puff.puffy pants.and puff puff.oh and cinder-minder.

Age: 7 weeks
Name: Cinnamon Roll
Breed: Orpington (colour mix)
Story: We gave our serial broody (who was being a right royal pain in the coop) some Orpington chicks to foster as my Mum has lost two blue Orpingtons and would love another. Cinnamon is going to have to stay with us as our daughter just adores her. Thankfully we did get a blue pullet for my Mum (who is also gorgeous - I may have to enter her too). We also have a white girl my Mum loves who is super friendly and loves a cuddle or shoulder ride (how many am I allowed to enter)?

Age: 7 weeks
Name: Cinnamon Roll
Breed: Orpington (colour mix)
Story: We gave our serial broody (who was being a right royal pain in the coop) some Orpington chicks to foster as my Mum has lost two blue Orpingtons and would love another. Cinnamon is going to have to stay with us as our daughter just adores her. Thankfully we did get a blue pullet for my Mum (who is also gorgeous - I may have to enter her too). We also have a white girl my Mum loves who is super friendly and loves a cuddle or shoulder ride (how many am I allowed to enter)?

as many as you want :) she is beautiful is is a girl?
Pretty sure Cinnamon is a girl. There's a boy standing behind her - they all have huge wattles and combs. The boys will go back to the breeder. Here are our other girls:

Age: 7 weeks
Name: Butternut
Breed: Buff Orpington
Story: Butternut is very sweet. She has been a bit shy but has recently started jumping out of their indoor pen to see us or jumping up on me for a pat when they are outdoors. She's so fat and dumpy and sweet. I thought she was going to be a boy because she's got legs like tree trunks.

Age: 7 weeks
Name: Fairy Floss
Breed: White Orpington (with the wrong coloured legs)
Story: Fairy Floss earned her name because her baby down always looked longer than everyone else's. She loves attention and leaps out to see us as soon as we take the top off their indoor pen, or rushes to see us when they are outside in the (empty) aviary. It took me ages to get this photo as she leapt on my back and sat on my shoulder as soon as I crouched down. She also likes to get up high, climbing on top of my head given half a chance! I'm hoping she'll grow out of that soon as they are so big already.

Age: 6 weeks
Name: Miss Muffet is what Mum wants to call her though I call her Little Biddy
Breed: Blue Orpington
Story: We quickly discovered (by three weeks old) that the three blue Orpingtons from our original six were all boys so we went back and got three more chicks. Biddy was one of them and, being a bit smaller she's a bit more nervous, though she will eat out of our hands and occasionally joins the crowd to come and sit on my knee outside. She has such beautiful lacing and big dark eyes. The other blue we got turned out to be a boy, and the third chick we got was Cinnamon Roll because our daughter fell in love with her.

Age: 1 or 2 days.
Name: Prim
Breed: Mixed Breed
Story: She was the first born chick of a first time mother.

Age: 1 day
Name: Dracky
Breed: Mixed Breed
Story: Because her mother has a history of crushing hatching eggs, I brought little Dracky's pipping egg inside and put under the heat lamp on the stove (not on the burner, don't worry!
), and left to run an errand. When I got back, I went to check on the egg, only to find eggshells, but no chick. Well it turns out newly hatched Dracky had fallen behind the stove! When I finally got her out, she had a streak of grease running right down the middle of her head, making her look like Count Dracula, hence her name, which I shortened to Dracky. In this picture she is sleeping with her head against the stuffed dog I put in her brooder for her.

Age: 2-3 weeks
Name: Molasses
Breed: Mixed Breed
Story: A sweet little boy with permanently spiky head fuzz.

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