Critters in coop?


7 Years
Oct 25, 2014
Hamden, CT

Hi friends! So I am adding some extern all nesting boxes to our coop, and while I am here I am also cleaning out some of the old bedding. We have a linoleum floor down, and then I have Pine shavings and for flooring/bedding, about 4 to 6 inches worth.

While I was cleaning out at least half of it, I noticed an earwig under there, and I'm off. Should I worry about these, or will the chickens just find them and be happy to eat them?

Thanks friends! As I was replacing some of the bedding, one of our girls climbed up into the henhouse to see what the hell I was doing, and she ate an earwig right on the spot! No worries :)
Thanks friends! As I was replacing some of the bedding, one of our girls climbed up into the henhouse to see what the hell I was doing, and she ate an earwig right on the spot! No worries :)
If you find a pile of them, call the birds(do you have a tidbitting sound-heehee?) and they'll clean them up for you.

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