Help with gate: dogs yes, chickens no


7 Years
Oct 25, 2014
Hamden, CT
Hi all,

We have our chickens in a secure run and henhouse. I want to fence off a grazing area for them, but still allow our dogs to wander in and out of that part of the yard (the dogs are perfectly well-behaved with the chickens, and love them).

How can we set a gate into a fence that a dog can push open, but then will swing back closed? It has to swing BOTH ways, so the dogs don't get trapped back there :)

Hi all,

We have our chickens in a secure run and henhouse. I want to fence off a grazing area for them, but still allow our dogs to wander in and out of that part of the yard (the dogs are perfectly well-behaved with the chickens, and love them).

How can we set a gate into a fence that a dog can push open, but then will swing back closed? It has to swing BOTH ways, so the dogs don't get trapped back there :)


I don't necessarily have a solution to making your gate swing both ways.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade, it does sound very nice.

But...some of your chickens will learn that the dogs are coming and going at that gate, they will see a dog coming, go to the gate, wait for it to swing open - they will go out.

Another thing I can envision is a chicken getting crunched in the gate when it closes/swings. Mine are notorious for sticking their head in places they shouldn't be, if I'm not careful I could easily crush a neck or head when I'm closing the door to the run.

I have one area where I can swing down a "gate/door" to block it off when I need to do cleaning. If I don't latch it, I have one hen that has learned she can push it just enough to squeeze through, took a while for her to learn it, but if you have some determined, hard headed gals, then you may have some learn to work your gate as well.

Just my thoughts on some things to consider. I do like your idea though.

Hopefully someone else will have better thoughts.
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Thanks, but I am thinking more something like this...should have been more clear.

Basically a walk-through gate, but something the dogs can push through from either side...but then pulls closed.
Thanks, but I am thinking more something like this...should have been more clear. Basically a walk-through gate, but something the dogs can push through from either side...but then pulls closed.
Dog door would work in that.. the flap is rubber.. so shouldn't hurt a chicken. .but chickens couldn't open it

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