How many chicks can a hawk grab at once??

Unfortunately no... It got dark and we stopped searching. I sat on the deck this morning and listened, but heard no chick. I am going to try again to move the other chicks (in the crate) near where I found them yesterday... Maybe if it's still there, the peeping will entice it out.

It got chilly last night for a single 3 week old chick (60) .

The odds are stacked against this little one.


This was taken two days ago.
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I can really relate to your story because the exact same thing happened to me this spring. I ran inside to answer the phone, leaving the chicks playing in the grass, and a hawk attacked. The chicks were scattered all over and I ran frantically around collecting them, but there was one I couldn't find, my littlest Australorp. I found her after about an hour though, she was huddled into a little ball with her head tucked down, I actually thought she was dead but she was okay. All the chicks were very quiet and traumatized for a day or two. It did make them very savvy when it comes to air predators though. Now as grown chickens, they always stay near areas where they can hide, and they run for cover if anything flies overhead. I hope you find your little peep but if you don't, I'm glad that you found the others and that the casualties weren't worse.

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