Adult male guineas bullying 3 month old guineas. HELP!

RobinB in Ok

6 Years
Oct 6, 2016
I need some advice about what to do with my guineas. I have 4 adult males (one is the young guineas' dad) who are bullying my baby guineas. The 4 males are allowed to free range and I am trying to get the young ones to start free ranging as well. But anytime the young ones come out of the house, the older ones run after them and pick on them. At night, when the older ones go in for the night, they terrorize the young ones, making them fly all over the house and cower in the corners. What can I do or will this just work itself out?
So should I try to encourage the young ones to come out of the house? I am able to open just the top half of the door or I can open both top and bottom. If I open both top and bottom, that's when the adult males create chaos.

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