Granny's gone and done it again

Like 5 miles down the road at the farm. It was like, sooo old school. You got cold... build a fire. Wanna flush during a power outage, grab a bucket and get some flushing water from the creek, but only in winter... no water in summer.

Our winters were rarely below freezing. Ice cream wouldn't last more than 24 hrs in an outage. It was like a sacrifice, but we HAD to eat it!
hahahaaa best times of our lives too hu ?
Trust, you do what you have to. A roof was much better then sleeping bags. Besides, back then it wasnt too uncommon. hahahaa Peeps knew how to toss a bucket and get water. Do you ? If all water companys shut down all over the world would you be a survivor ? Tasted pertty good to me.
I could. No wells except up by serpent mound that I know of.
hahahaaa best times of our lives too hu ?
Yes indeed!

Now my GMs house had a pump on her well . That water come out red. It reeked of rotten eggs and the woman was never sick a day of her life. Sulfur water. I couldnt drink it. would make me sick . eggs did too.
Water up at the farm is skunky too. White clothes never stayed white in that water... I had lot of yellow socks.
yes ma'am ! I think theres enough !
I asked Robert is only my face showing then put it here and I see my butt sticking up on the other side. LOL
LOL so of COURSE I had to go back up and check. Not much showing there granny yet wait until all that candy is eaten.
I know, i need to start getting them set up sooner with nest boxes. The dutch bunny is due friday i think.

so you will cut her a split door like this :D

LOL so of COURSE I had to go back up and check. Not much showing there granny yet wait until all that candy is eaten.
hahahaa same thing Wishing said, Guess I should learn to keep my mouth shut. Only 1/3rd of that is mine . hahahaa

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