Granny's gone and done it again

The friendliest one I had ended up not being afraid of me. He started going after me. :hmm I think I have harassed him into better behavior, but I don't like him now. No one can live up to the first little rooster we had. Incredibly sweet and such a gentle little bird.
Well, thats true, the friendlist ones normally do end up mean. Trying to remember if I ever had a mean serama .
You're lucky to have water. No power, no water when you have a well. When we were kids, going for a week without power in winter was an adventure. Now it doesn't happen as much, but at least I know what to do... eat all the ice cream!!!
We got five extra shells that are kind of fancy, and we can go to the local beaches for more of the plain kind. I’m super excited to feed them table scraps. We picked up sand, shell bits, and little pieces of driftwood from the beach for them. They’re in that tiny little house, but DH couldn’t be fooled into getting the 10gal tank. He was excited, but not that excited. :lau
Sometimes you can get tanks cheap at yard sales.

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