Guinea Fowl are acting lethargic

Homie Four

5 Years
Feb 4, 2014
I hatched 4 jumbo guinea fowl keets in the very beginning of September. I have them living with chicks I hatched around the same time.
Two-Three weeks ago the chicks seemed to have cocci so I gave them corid everyday for two weeks and they have been fine since.
They are living in my garage currently with the heatlamp and now, out of nowhere, the guinea are acting lethargic. They are drooping to the ground and acting kind of dizzy, it's almost like they can't hold their head up. When they pick their head up, it looks like it's too much work for them and the kinda just bobs around like it's too heavy? I'm not sure how to describe it.
They are on chick feed and pretty much fully feathered.
I'm not home right now, went out out of town on Sunday, but I'm coming back tonight. This is just my understanding from my parents and the videos they are sending me. They didn't say there was anything wrong with the chicks, only the guinea fowl.
Thanks in advanced.
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All of the guinea are sick also so it's most likely not just because of one being a runt or something. My mom is freaking out a little because she has never had to take care of sick birds while I wasn't there. I told her to feed them eggs and yogurt for now. Any ideas what this could be though?
Update: I just got home and it's actually three that are acting sick, one seems fine. Can anyone help, please? I have absolutely no idea what's happening.
Anyone? :( They are still alive, and still acting the same. Everytime they stand it's almost like their neck is broken and they keep falling backwards.

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